Steal These Buttons


Not being very clever or technically inclined, I’m disappointed that I can’t bestow some brilliant gift on the web sites of the world like proper quotes or an RSS validator or a whole stable of brilliant plug-ins. Setting my sights considerably lower, however, I realise there’s perhaps one small thing…

I’ve never liked the orange XML button that’s everywhere these days, so when I started Antipixel I made my own. (Not a nice font, it’s poorly set, and at 430-odd bytes, it’s larger than it needs to be – nothing personal against whoever designed it, I’m just fussy this way.) The W3C’s validation buttons suck big eggs, so I made my own versions of those as well. I’ve received a bunch of positive feedback about the Antipixel buttons, so I’m giving them away.

If you want them, they’re yours, gratis, no strings attached.

Pull them straight off the main page here if you want, and if you’d like to change anything about them, go ahead and do that. I’m posting the Photoshop files below so you can download those and change anything you want. You do not need to give me credit or provide a link back here or anything like that. (Some people are already using them and at least one kind soul has posted such a link back here. You don’t need to do that anymore, but thank you for being a more than decent person.)

So, bye-bye little buttons. Go forth, multiply and, above all, have fun out there.

W3C buttons (10K gzipped Photoshop 7 file)
XML buttons (with labels) (10K gzipped Photoshop 7 file)
Simple XML & RSS (9K gzipped Photoshop 7 file)

The font used in the buttons is Jason Kottke’s wonderful Silkscreen.

Update: Folks, this post is becoming a bit of a spam magnet, so I’m closing off the comments. You’re still perfectly welcome to the buttons, of course, and I’m very grateful for all the positive comments and that they’ve been so widely adopted. Just a bit tired of having to delete ads for things in which only the very desperate would have an interest.