Never again be at a loss for words! 3,001 Business & Sales Letters is a deluxe version of Easy Letters. You get all 2,100+ award-winning business, sales and personal letters, plus 901 additional sales letters that will help you sell more with attention-getting messages and persuasive sales copy! Close the deal with the perfect sales letter. You can learn to:
* Write like a professional - We offer you over 560 topics and more than 3,000 prewritten letters, so you'll never be at a loss for words again.
* Create top-quality business correspondence - We give you user-friendly, step-by-step instructions, along with hundreds of sample sentences and phrases.
* Save valuable time and effort - We provide a powerful search engine so you can find the topic, then the right phrase and sentence to express every idea perfectly.
* Save money by purchasing our software - You can create effective professional correspondence without paying high-priced advertising consultants.
* Insert letters directly into Microsoft® Word - 3,001 Business & Sales Letters works with all Windows XP, 2000, 98, 95, Me, and NT word processors and installs on the Tools Menu of Microsoft Word 2003, 2002, 2000, 97, and Word 7.0! The Macintosh version may be used with Word via the clipboard. Handle Business Correspondence with Confidence With 3,001 Business & Sales Letters at your fingertips, you can quickly handle hundreds of writing tasks with knowledge, skill, and confidence.